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Bangkok asian arowana for saleMy 7 Red Com

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Bangkok asian arowana for saleMy 7 Red Com


asian arowana for saleMy 7 Red Com

Finally bring back my 5 red from treatment and additional 2 more new red from AK
Very pretty. This is the tank you use all marine pure products in the sump right?
>Nice! im thinking should i use 2 air disc or 1.. hmmm
>Nice comm. Neat and clean.
Groom well. Once they are full grown, comm will be fantastic.
May I ask what air stone you are using? It creates 2 steady stream of bubbles ... nice.
>Nice red comm.. Any intention of making into 9 pcs comm?
>cannot take my eyes of these beauty red
>I think I saw your 5 aros under treatment at AK when I visit the shop 2 week ago. Anyway, bros your tank was super nice and your water was super clear, I believe your fish will have a good life there.
>Originally Posted by patclay Very pretty. This is the tank you use all marine pure products in the sump right? Yup, use all marine pure media. Plus 2 reactors running on Rowa Charcoal and Phos and outlet into a ANS 200 Micron filter socks with 500ml Purigen.
Think I super Kiasu.
>Originally Posted by Bruce Nice comm. Neat and clean.
Groom well. Once they are full grown, comm will be fantastic.
May I ask what air stone you are using? It creates 2 steady stream of bubbles ... nice. Dunno what brand, I bought it from EastOcean in Havelock road.
>Originally Posted by banbanzz Nice red comm.. Any intention of making into 9 pcs comm? Nope , max will be 8 (Fengshui)
Asking Zul to help look for a Blue base red.
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